Thursday, September 16, 2004

having finally gotten sufficient sleep...

Thursday morning brings with it a cancellation of my 8:35 am Torts class, and I get to sleep in for the first time since Sunday. I'm not used to not getting enough sleep; I'm used to my 7.5-8.5 hours a night, and the 6 or so that I've been getting for the last week is starting to drag on me. I need to get used to going to bed earlier.

There's a significant variation in the amount of work which I have to do. The last few days I was fairly underloaded, and couldn't even really work ahead much (plus I find that when I do work ahead I have to spend more time, because I forget it and have to go over it again). Now someone pointed out to me that my first written assignment, a 500-word op-ed piece for Civil Procedure, carries with it almost 100 pages of reading. I have time to do it all this weekend, but still, you'd think the TA's would have said when handing out the assignment, "Hey, there's an enormous amount of reading to do for this, so make sure you don't wait until Tuesday night to start on it." I guess the hand-holding is done. But there are intermediate stages.

Anyway, the reading is about the Guantanamo detainees, and we have time for it, so I'm not complaining. I'm merely pointing out the swing in workload, because after feeling almost bored on Monday, I have 200-250 pages of reading for my classes, and a couple thick papers for the Internet law reading group I'm sitting in on (though naturally the amount of effort required for those is less than the amount for my classes), and I joined the law school a cappella group, and I want to help with one of the journals this semester. I may be overcommitting myself. We'll see how it goes. I'm quite glad that my classes are all pass/fail this term, so I don't need to feel like I'm ruining my future career by not working 20 hours a day to try to get all A's.


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