I'm reading too many blogs from law students, so I'm currently enamored with the idea of following them and keeping a running log as I start law school. Knowing me, I'll lose interest as I stop thinking anyone cares what my life is like or what I have to say. But while I have the momentum I might as well go with it.
Today is Sunday. On Friday I load up the rented UHaul (a 17' truck - it has yet to be determined whether or not it will actually contain all of my belongings, but I expect it will be fine). On Saturday we (my dad is helping me move) drive from Baltimore up to my sister's in New Jersey. Then Sunday morning we get up early and drive around NYC to get to New Haven. The GOP convention is next week in New York, and we have to drive around the city the day before it starts, so traffic may be a pain. But we only have 150 miles or so to go, and we only need to get there by 1 pm, so it shouldn't be a problem.
Thursday of next week is registration and Friday is orientation, or vice-versa. Can't keep track of details like that from one minute to the next. And September 7th, two weeks from Tuesday, classes start. It seems so late compared to other schools - I've read posts of other people who have already gone through a week of classes. I'm happy to have the extended summer, though I expect when I'm studying for finals all through Christmas and New Years I'll wish the semester had started a little sooner.
I'm excited about the classes. It's so different from everything I've done in the last several years. I'm excited about the intellectual process of reading through long documents and digesting them into their relevant portions (the issue, rule, analysis, and conclusion). I think it's a little weird that I find this exciting, but, eh, I've always been weird. I'm also excited about the people. It will be really nice for me to be in a real group of people - I've felt isolated the last few years, despite having a reasonably active social life, just because I was always working on something that I couldn't discuss with anyone but my advisor, because they wouldn't understand or just wouldn't care. I am a little concerned about all the reading, because I'm not known for having a tremendous attention span, but I don't think it will be too bad.
Anyway, I've rambled enough. I'll post again in a week or so once I'm moved and my internet is on, to rant and/or rave about my apartment and the city.
Oh, and, props to the Ninth Circuit for the Grokster decision. Bravo. I wonder if the Supreme Court will hear the case. I think some of the statements by the Appeals court could be questioned (though I agree with their decision). But I won't say any more about it - go read
Ernest Miller, who has summaries and links to about a billion other coverages.