Friday, July 16, 2004

one of "those" days

you know the days i mean. the days when it takes you an extra 10 minutes to get ready in the morning because of all the times you just stopped doing whatever you were doing and stood still, unthinking, for a minute or two. maybe it's because i was too lazy to make coffee (i have since rectified that, but it hasn't kicked in yet), or maybe it's because i pushed myself a little too much on the track yesterday (though i didn't really do that much), or maybe it's not for any reason at all. whatever. it's not like i have a life that i need to keep up with.

here, in case you're feeling energetic, is some reading material, an index on LawMeme for all the great stuff Ernest Miller has written about the INDUCE act for his blog The Importance of.... Enjoy.


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